Give Me Your Glory Lord.
Give Me Your Glory Lord.
The song says give me your glory lord. I want your glory. I want your glory, Lord. I need your glory, Lord. I must have your glory, Lord. God's due drops of mercy shine all around us. The joy of the Lord is my strength.
Acts 1:8 "Ye shall receive power after the Holy Ghost come upon you. The Holy Ghost is the glory of God.
Righteousness, love, joy, and Peace, in the Holy Ghost, is God's glory.
What is the Lashaunta glory of God? The Lashaunta glory is being in God present at all times. It is to be caught up in the glory of God at all times.
The glory of God is light and there is no darkness in God's glory at all. The song says Jesus is the light he is the light of the world.
The light of God is the Lashaunta glory of God. I have touched the hem of his garment and his love has made me whole.
The virtue of God goes out when we touch the hem of his garment, or when we pull on the heartstrings of God's mercy toward us when we are in his glory.
God's glory in camps around the ro about them that love him. This means that we are in his goodness, his tender mercy his love, and kindness. We are in his glory all of the time.
written By Elder Robert J. Logwood "Word of faith ministry" P.O. Box 184 Mansfield TX, Zip 76063 write me, please. Call me on my cell # 214 997 3307. Thanks.
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