
Showing posts from September, 2022
 What going on in the world today is baby killing? This is what is going on in the world today; that is baby killing, and God is angry with the wicked. And God is going to expose them.  The Bible says they that live by the sword shall die by the sword. Those who live by baby-killing will be killed in the same manner. These evil people killed babies in different ways, and they got pleasure out of killing these babies. They did not fear God nor did they regard man. These evil people's mind is twisted to do evil, and not to fear God.  How can the people of God believe in killing babies? you know that he is not a man of God. because God is light, and there is no darkness in him at all!  If darkness is in a man. He is an evil worker who is of the devil, and he is not a man of God, but he is a wolf in sheep's clothing.  And that tells you a lie is a wolf in sheep's clothing. when the government tells you a lie, they are a wolf in sheep's clothing. What going...
  ALL THINGS ARE NEW IN CHRIST JESUS. All things are new in Christ Jesus. in first 1Corinthian 5:17 "Íf any man is in Christ he is a new creature: old things are passed away: behold all things become new." Jesus answered and said, "I tell you the truth no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again." How are we saved? And what makes us be born again? Well, it's the death of Jesus on the cross. Because of Jesus's death, causes us to be saved and born again, and a new creature in Christ Jesus. To be born again means that we are a new creature in Christ Jesus and that we are saved from all sin by His death, burial, and resurrection from the dead to life everlasting. In Jesus is life and there is no darkness in him at all. Because Jesus is the author of life. In Jesus, there is no darkness in him which is sin, and sin is all evil. None of these things are in Jesus, because Jesus is sinless. Jesus is Holy without spot, wrinkle, or any such thing. his i...

Believe in other gods

 Believe in other gods Believe in other gods instead of the true and living God. To believe in other gods you have to love that more than the Love that God Jesus Christ. Exodus 20:3 "Thou shall have no other gods before me." This means that you or I cannot serve other gods and the true and the true living God. This is found in Matthew 6:24 read it. Serving other gods means if you fear something; that something becomes your god. If you are afraid of the coronavirus then that becomes your god. 1 John 4:18. "There is no fear in love, but perfect love cast out fear, for fear, has torment and he that fears has not been made perfect in love." Fear makes you do what you do not want to do. An example is if a man has a gun and he tells you to put up your hand, because of fear you put them up. The reason being you fead that he will shout you. The say whatsoever a man believeth so is he. Then you obey him because you do not want him to shout at you. This is the same way with t...