All things are new in Christ Jesus. in first 1Corinthian 5:17 "Íf any man is in Christ he is a new creature: old things are passed away: behold all things become new."

Jesus answered and said, "I tell you the truth no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."

How are we saved? And what makes us be born again? Well, it's the death of Jesus on the cross. Because of Jesus's death, causes us to be saved and born again, and a new creature in Christ Jesus.

To be born again means that we are a new creature in Christ Jesus and that we are saved from all sin by His death, burial, and resurrection from the dead to life everlasting.

In Jesus is life and there is no darkness in him at all. Because Jesus is the author of life.

In Jesus, there is no darkness in him which is sin, and sin is all evil. None of these things are in Jesus, because Jesus is sinless. Jesus is Holy without spot, wrinkle, or any such thing. his is found in Ephesians 5:27.

I am so glad that the Lod saved me. He brought me out of darkness into his marvelous light, and I am so glad that the Lord saved me.

We are to let the mind of Christ dwell in us. The Bible says "Let this mind dwell in you which was also in Christ Jesus. To be saved we must have the mind of Christ in us at all times.

The old man has been put to death by Jesus Christ's death on the cross, and now we are a new man in Christ Jesus.

When we are in Christ Jesus's sin has no power over us the saints of God. When we are in Christ, we are totally and completely born again, and a new person in Jesus Christ.

I am what God says that I am. 1 John 4:17. I am the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ. Righteousness: means that we are doing the things that are pleasing in the sight of God. 

In Leviticus 19-20 "Be ye Holy for I am Holy." The word Holy means to be sanctified, consecrated, and dedicated, or to be separated from the world and worldliness.

Written By Elder Robert J. Logwood:

"Word of faith ministry"

P.O. Box 184 Mansfield TX. Zip 76063. Write Me, please. Yours truly.


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