Believe in other gods
Believe in other gods
Believe in other gods instead of the true and living God. To believe in other gods you have to love that more than the Love that God Jesus Christ.
Exodus 20:3 "Thou shall have no other gods before me." This means that you or I cannot serve other gods and the true and the true living God. This is found in Matthew 6:24 read it.
Serving other gods means if you fear something; that something becomes your god. If you are afraid of the coronavirus then that becomes your god.
1 John 4:18. "There is no fear in love, but perfect love cast out fear, for fear, has torment and he that fears has not been made perfect in love."
Fear makes you do what you do not want to do. An example is if a man has a gun and he tells you to put up your hand, because of fear you put them up. The reason being you fead that he will shout you. The say whatsoever a man believeth so is he. Then you obey him because you do not want him to shout at you.
This is the same way with the coronavirus. If you fear that you are going to get the coronavirus then you are going to get it because you believe in it so much that you fear, and you are going to die of the virus.
When you fear the virus so much until it is to come your gods. The Bible says let God be true but every man is a liar.
Man doctrine of the coronavirus is put on your mask, do not go to work. stay 6 feet apart. do not go to school, stay in your house. wash your hands when you come from out of God's fresh air as this virus is everywhere.
All of this is the false doctrine of man, and of the devil. They tell you to take the shot as the shot is going to keep you from getting the virus, but they get the virus anyway.
All of these mandates come from evil men who want to dee populate the whole world. The Johnson Johson shots kill 48,000 people before they shut it down.
Instead of believing in God to heal them of this virus, they put their trust in the scientist. The Bible says that God healeth all disease and sickness.
They are leaving God out and that is wrong. Trust in God, not in man. amen. Written By Elder Robert J. Logwood:
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